new computer
I'm just building a new computer and was wondering if there was any way to transfer all my custom Profiles over?
@grguthrey I imagine I would have to do a full download/ reinstall of Simplicity base driver package & Wheel Firmware & Configuration Tool.
Would there possibly be a file of my custom profiles in the Simplicity application that I could copy and then paste?
I have thought about screenshotting all my profiles but I was hoping there would be an easier way to transfer. -
In addition to the installation steps you've detailed, if you copy the contents of "%APPDATA%..\Local\Sim-plicity" to the same location on your new PC, your profiles will come across. -
@sim-plicity-dev thank you for the help
@grguthrey does the controller box need to be switched on as I'm struggling to find the file.
These are the only files I seem to be able to find. Am I looking in the right place?
If you copy "%APPDATA%\..\Local\Sim-plicity" without the quotes into the address bar in File Explorer, it should take you to the right location.
This will resolve to 'c:\users<username>\appdata\local\sim-plicity' as below
Edit: Apologies, just noticed a missing "\" after %Appdata% in the original post (caused by html formatting). You can try this as an alternative
@sim-plicity-dev ok thank you for clearing that up
Am I meant to be replacing both these file or is it just the profiles.Jason file?
Only the profiles.json is needed. The profiles.bak is a backup created just before a profile save.
Thanks for your help