Dirt Rally 1/2
My wheel is not recognized as a wheel nor sim or game mode(the ffb works, but I cannot configurate anything as a wheel) and I cannot download the presets as link doesnt exist anymore.
The "Presets Installer" is now part of each release.
Download and run as required.Note the "Presets Installer" only configures DR2.
DR1 is a manual process
When setting up Dirt Rally, in the "Controls Preset" screen, you can switch from Direct Input Device(Gamepad) to Steering Wheel by pressing the F1 key till it cycles through.See below
Then assign the steering axis as normal.
Now I have buy Dirt Rally 2. I dont know what to do to have FFB.
Sometimes I have, sometimes I dont. I have to setup all the setups.
Sometimes doesnt work in Sim mode, then I change to Game mode and it works... and vice-versa.
Wich is the procedure to work properly?Thanks.
though I'm quite late to the party, I might still help.
I got my SW8C+ running with DR2 using this guide: https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/690790/manuals/DR2_Multi_Input_Device_Configuration.pdfMy device ID is 028A1CBE-0000-0000-0000-504944564944